
Christian Denker

I solve complex problems with information technology.
This is my project portfolio.

ASSIST - Feasibility study for the development of a sensor-based shore-side assistance system for sailing through locks

(2024 - 2025)

The ASSIST project is researching the feasibility of a shore-based sensor system to support skippers. Various sensors are being tested and analysed to determine which fusion of sensor data can best support the skipper at the critical points of the lock. Gaps in the state of the art will be identified and a technical operating concept developed.

Contribution: full project


ConTAD - Smart Container Tracking and Accident Detection

(2023 - 2026)

ConTAD aims to reduce container losses at sea by developing a tracking unit and communication platform for shipping containers. Specifically, it focuses on automating the detection of container accidents, allowing nearby vessels to take preventive measures and avoid further losses.

Contribution: detection algorithms for container loss, inter-container and exterior communication systems, navigational requirements, tests and demonstrations


Quantum Supported Maritime Just-In-Time-Navigation (QSMN)

(2022 - 2024)

The project aims to develop specialized tools for efficient optimization tasks using quantum computers, with a focus on minimizing fuel consumption for ships through just-in-time navigation strategies. In addition to optimizing fuel consumption, the QSMN project aims to enhance safety and minimize environmental impact through applicability of routes on board.

Contribution: accurate physics-based consumtion calculations, navigational requirements, testing and verification



(2019 - 2022)

Cooperative pilotage for ships and control centres. Development of a system for route planning of ships with which feasible routes can be planned on board for pier-to-pier navigation, facilitating a ship dynamics model. Routes planned with the system can be put directly on the autopilot and differences between planned route and actual ship movement are minimized. Meanwhile the nautical personnel keep their responsibilities for safe shipping. The project was established in the framework of the GreenShipping Logistics & Routing activities.

Contribution: project lead since 2020



(2017 - 2021)

Entwicklung innovativer Technologien für autonome maritime Systeme is a german project focusing on development of innovative technologies for autonomous maritime systems. The project's objective is to develop special underwater technologies to support autonomous underwater vehicle missions. This is to be achieved through integration of hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)/Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and with autonomous Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). The project improves underwater navigation, user-friendly planning procedures, highly accurate destination point control, modular system architecture and adaptive control, and reduction of the risk of loss. For implementation, the EITAMS project is divided into five sub-projects, which are worked on in close cooperation between the departments of Maritime Studies and Logistics in Elsfleth, Engineering in Wilhelmshaven and Civil Engineering, Geoinformation, Health Technology in Oldenburg. Subproject five develops the autonomous USV which will be capable of route following and stationkeeping. The USV's has a modular sensor rack, which is extensible for further applications.

Contribution: subproject five - development of an autonomous USV - project lead since 2020



(2016 - 2018)

The Maritime Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System mitigates ship to ship collisions at sea. It assists seafarers in collision detection and cooperative collision resolution. Levering collision risk through intelligent alerting of seafarers and negotiation of evasive manoeuvres among multiple ship crews.

Contribution: project lead, conceptual design, software architecture, collision detection and resolution algorithms, data minig in AIS data, maritime traffic simulation, virtual and physical tests, dissemination



(2013 - 2016)

CASCADe addresses bridge design as an integrated process within a Cooperative System Design Methodology, a holistic perspective that supports the detection and solution of conflicts (including human errors), inconsistencies and redundancies during design time. CASCADe will use this methodology to develop an Adaptive Bridge System that allows the reconfiguration of information content, its distribution and presentation on user interfaces in response to the current situation, any relevant procedures and the needs of the individual seafarer.

Contribution: assessment method for context-adaptive ship bridge design, user study design & evaluation, process analysis, 3D simulation, virtual reality, mathematical modelling, subproject lead


Business Potential & Strategy for LNG Terminals


Since Europe's legislators established Emission Controlled Areas (ECAs) engaging ship owners to reduce Sulphur and Nitrous Oxide emissions, a german port authority was interested in their business potentials trading with liquified natural gas (LNG) as ship fuel surrogate to e.g. HFO and MDO. They asked to create conservative scenarios in whose both ports and ship owners would profit from LNG trade. We identified relevant scenarios and also found further leverage through trade with non-maritime users such as gas-fueled power plants and road transport.

Contribution: data mining on ship traffic, scenario identification, estimation of business potentials, identification of key users and their potential demand volumes



The aim of the CogniLog research project is to network individual conveyor modules into an automated, cognitive logistics network supported by information technology. The resulting network reduces the complexity of the organization, control and monitoring of the conveyor modules used and increases the level of automation. CogniLog reacts autonomously to changes within the current material flow configuration, for example through new order combinations. It controls, optimizes and eliminates unpredictable disturbances in the intralogistics process.

Contribution: intelligent self-routing paket agents concept & implementation, interplaform mobility, intraplatform mobility of software agents, simulation, research assistence
